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Welcome to Craig Johnson’s Blog

I am a digital marketing consultant with 16 years experience. I have been at the heart of the the digital revolution since 1995. I have worked with hundreds of clients on digital projects. I have in depth experience of all aspects of digital marketing including: website design website development mobile marketing search engine optimisation pay … Read More

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Digital Marketing Strategy

Digital Marketing Strategy

The old adage says that “if you fail to plan then you plan to fail” yet 90% of businesses don’t have a digital marketing strategy in place. Few organisations have this 18 month road map and without a solid digital plan opportunities are missed. The need for this strategic approach grows every day as digital … Read More

Digital Marketing Consultant Manchester

Since 2001 I have been a Digital Marketing Consultant Manchester based. I advise agencies and clients on how best to get the best possible returns from digital and social marketing. I work as an extension of client or agency teams to improve the effectiveness of websites, email marketing, SEO, social media and online advertising activity. … Read More

How to set up a WordPress blog

WordPress is a great tool that enables any budding publisher to establish a professional blog. The prospect of learning how to set up a WordPress blog can be daunting but is a straightforward process that will equip you with many digital skills.

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How to get a career in digital

Moving from traditional media in to digital is the best career decision I have ever made. In 1996, when I made the leap, digital was called the ‘Information Super Highway’ by politicians and many of my colleagues regarded this to be a foolish step in to the unknown.
Contrary to what may believe, making the leap requires no technical knowledge just a bag full of enthusiasm, a logical mind and a desire to learn today something that contradicts what you learned yesterday.

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Acer Aspire ICONIA A500 Tablet Reviews

The Acer Aspire ICONIA A500 Tablet is great value and is more than a match for the original iPad. If you are looking for a great Android tablet at a great price this is the one to go for. After using an Apple iPad for over a year, and in the process becoming the number … Read More

The Future for Creativity In Digital Is Bright

I had a great day at Manchester Metropolitan University Business School this week. After reading the article in NMA by Michael Nutley about how Creativity in digital goes way beyond advertising I was keen to learn how the next crop of leaders in the digital sector may take on the challenge.

My brief was to give the students an insight in to how a digital agency approaches a pitch and enable the team to gain some experience pitching an idea to a prospective client. I worked with the students studying a range of MSc and MBA courses.The scenario we worked on involved a small independent high street cycle shop with a modest online presence. The outcome is essential reading for any small retailer wishing to get the best out of online trading or any prospective digital employer looking to recruit exceptional talent to lead their online strategy.

The students divided in to teams of four. Each team assumed the role of a digital agency.

All of the teams were given the same brief and were asked to present their recommendations in only three hours. The resulting presentations were first class. A downloadable PDF shows the diverse range of ideas and suggestions that the team produced. This is a model any independent business with an ecommerce presence should follow.

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Cheap Domain Names

Buying cheap domain names at the cheapest prices can be a time consuming task.

Most catchy valuable domains are already registered so it is a hard task thinking up great ideas for domain names in the first place. Once you have identified a domain name that is not registered it is then a task trying to find the best deals on cheap domain names.

As any experienced domain name owner will tell you the price you pay can vary significantly from one provider to another. Different extensions have different prices and not all websites provide the best rates for every extension – To get cheap domain names it is recommended that different extensions are registered with different providers.

To make this process easier here are my suggestions for locating cheap domain names.

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Reciprocal Links Can Be Good For Your Site

SEO professionals appear to be united in their condemnation of reciprocal links as a worthwhile  SEO tactic. It is alleged that search engines are seeking to penalize the rankings of sites that engage in the oldest traffic generating toll in the tool box.

I think that this opinion is way off the mark and that  reciprocal links can be good for your site.

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